Matthias Tröpgen

Tröpgen Bau GmbH

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday (10:10 - 12:15)
  • Friday (13:00 - 15:00)
DescriptionTröpgen Bau GmbH is a German company specialized in structural and civil engineering, concrete and argricultural construction as well as redeveleopment. The range of services includes: consulting, planing and carrying out of measures in the field of new building, modernisation, renovation, rebuilding, structural and civil engineering, concrete, argricultural and steel construction as well as redeveleopment, construction with timber, traffic route construction, shopfitting and residential, commercial and industrial building.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities

Architectonic, design and construction engineering services

    Construction of buildings

      Maintenance, renovation and modernisation



          Searching for subcontractor and qualified employees (bricklayer and Concretor)

          Tröpgen Bau GmbH is requesting...
          1) Bricklayer and Concretor for permanent position in Germany for new building and redevelopment projects.
          2) Subcontractor active in the field of structural engineering, plaster and dry construction for order processing in Germany.