Bilateral Meetings
- Friday (10:10 - 12:15)
- Friday (13:00 - 15:00)
DescriptionThe Association of Tilers of the Czech Republic is an organisation of professionals in tiling industry whose associated members are as follows:
- tilers - covers tiling fixers
- bathroom design showrooms - includes specialised retailers
- producers/ distributors - businesses dealing with chemical products for constructions, ceramic tiles, floor tiles, tools, tile profiles and trims
- business schools - schools where tiling skills are taught
- experts - represented by officials from the tiling industry
Cech obkladačů ČR je profesní organizace, která sdružuje především řemeslníky - obkladače, dále pak představitele navazujících služeb, například obkladačského materiálu a technologií, škol, koupelnová studia a zástupce přidružených organizací.
Organization Type
Chamber/ Association/ Agency/ Cluster
Areas of Activities
Tiling and bricklaying
Roofs and floors
Offered tiling works; Seeking Association of Tilers abroad
Offer: the Association seeks business partners for its members, e.g. for work and distribution agreements or for mutual cooperation in Germany/ Czech Republic
Request: the Association itself seeks similar organisations abroad for exchange of experience and information