Roswitha Schipfer

EEN Senior Project Manager
ICS Internationalisation Centre Styria

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday (10:10 - 12:15)
  • Friday (13:00 - 15:00)
DescriptionThe ICS is a One-Stop-Shop in Styria for export and all issues concerning internationalization. The ICS encourages and supports companies with their international launch, with opening up new markets and with intensifying their international activities. Its shareholders are the Styrian Economic Chamber, The Government of Styria and the Federation of Styrian Industrialists. Furthermore, ICS ia a local contact point of the Enterprise Europe Network.
Organization Type Chamber/ Association/ Agency/ Cluster,
Areas of Activities



    Sales agents and distribution partners sought

    Styrian companies, active in the construction sector, are looking for distribution partners in order to enter new markets. So we are interested in foreign business partners who have free capacities in order to expand their product portfolio with Austrian products.