KERAMET spol.s r.o. Jan Rohacek Czech Republic, 154 00 Praha 5
- Offer Production of aluminium roofing sheets and components. Aluminium and alloys sheets, strips, foil.
Robert Kindl - Barvy Laky Kindl Robert Kindl Czech Republic, 405 02 Děčín
- Offer Interior and exterior walls painting: apartments and office buildings, warehouses, shops, showrooms
Fliesen Lechner GmbH Mike Lechner Germany, Grimma
- Offer & Request Cooperations in the fields of engineering, tiling and natural stone sought and demanded; skilled emp
EXPORT SUPPORT CENTER OF TVER REGION Kateřina Šiková Russian Federation, Tver
- Offer Construction materials, technologies
ELEKTROMONT HB s.r.o. Josef Holenda Czech Republic, 130 00 Praha 3
- Offer Electrical building installation work
TEROM s.r.o. Milada Zborníková Czech Republic, Chlumec nad Cidlinou
- Offer Cooperation
TOP W.I.G. s.r.o. Vlastislav Šťastný Czech Republic, 405 02 Děčín
- Offer We offer welding of stainless stell materials and production of structures.
Felgner Sicherheitstechnik GmbH& Co.KG Barbora Jemelková Germany, Dresden
- Offer & Request nabizime spolupraci se zamerenim na zabezpecovací techniku pro ochranu majetku a osob
Lücke TEAM International GmbH Jens Lücke Germany, Barleben
- Offer Market entry in Germany
ALZABRADLI s.r.o. Petr Schön Czech Republic, Praha
- Offer Production and installation of banisters and railings
Oberlichtenauer Baugesellschaft mbH Alexander Riegel Germany, Lichtenau
- Request Subcontractor sought
Terazid Krasimir Georgiev Bulgaria, Sofia
- Offer & Request Distribution
Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS) Claudia Baldauf Germany, Dresden
- Offer Information on the Federal State of Saxony
Hibotec GmbH & Co. KG Daniel Bohnsack Germany, Erfurt
Tröpgen Bau GmbH Matthias Tröpgen Germany, Roitzsch
- Request Searching for subcontractor and qualified employees (bricklayer and Concretor)
KPV König Produkte Vertrieb GmbH Markus König Germany, Havelberg
- Offer & Request Window profiles made from plastic materials
Jana Jodasová Jana Jodasová Czech Republic, Prague
- Offer & Request Specific designed art wall tilles
Drechslerei Frank Kühnicke Frank Kühnicke Germany, Leipzig
- Offer & Request Cooperation in the field of turnery and wood carver products
Zdenek Husnik Zdenek Husnik Czech Republic, Jablonec nad Nisou
- Offer Offer of reconstruction and renovation of buildings
Recanati Europe Srl Marta Rimbano Italy, Villadose
- Offer Fittings for water, gas & glow enthalpy geothermal plants.
Bilateral Talks
- Participants82
- Meetings Requested229
- Meetings Accepted174
Austria 1
Bulgaria 1
Czech Republic 45
Germany 29
Greece 2
Italy 1
Russian Federation 1
Slovakia 2
Ukraine 1
- Total of Participants83
Profile views
- Before Event4074
- After Event156702